Fully Online Course Excel Macros practical
Curso Macros Excel
Excel macros programming course
Make your own applications with Macros Excel
Practices in Macros Excel
Basic programming course in Excel free
In this video tutorial we will teach how to develop applications with Visual Basic. We will go step by step explaining in a practical way the development of desktop applications or better known as Macros Excel.
Detailed agenda:
Unit 1 Introduction to programming in Macros Excel
1.1 Objects, Properties and Methods
1.2 Object oriented programming
1.3 Data types
1.4 conditional structures
1.5 Logical operators
1.6 Check functions
1.7 repetitive structures
Unit 2 Practice 1: Validation of cells and task automation
2.1 Data income
2.2 Security and validation
Unit 3 Practice 2: Format and data sent
3.1 Automated cell format
3.2 Send information to other sheets
Unit 4 Practice 3: Information by form and security
4.1 Data income per form
4.2 Safety of ranges and cells
4.3 Safety of the leaves and the Excel book
Unit 5 Practice 4: Validation of fields in form and duplicate elements
5.1 Data validation per form
5.2 Validate if there are duplicate elements and delete them
Unit 6 Practice 5: Forms and reports
6.1 Form management (Textbox, Combobox, buttons and labels
Unit 7 Practice 6: Generation of reports in a new book
7.1 Automate the reports reports
Unit 8 Practice 7: Income of external information, validation and format
8.1 Income of information from external sources (TXT)
8.2 Income of information from external sources (web)
Unit 9 Practice 8: Reports, sent information and security of macros
9.1 Enter information to a TXT file
9.2 Show and ocular leaves according to the type of report
9.3 Macros Safety
Unit 10 Practice 9: Automatize graphics
10.1 generate bars graphs of the combined report
10.2 generate graphs of combined report lines
10.3 Generate combined graphics
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